Is Getting Healthy Expensive?

food healthy Oct 28, 2019

Is Getting Healthy Expensive?

One of the phrases I hear from time to time is “Getting healthy is expensive”. Everything in life is about perspective. You’ve heard “the grass is always greener on the other side” or that “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” Well, health is most definitely one of those things that some don’t appreciate until it’s gone. Let’s take a look at the “health is expensive” claim:

Typical Costs

When analyzing the price of health, it sometimes helps to get a little perspective from the price of other items in our everyday lives. Did you know that the average American spends over $1,000 per year on alcohol. That same American will spend double that on coffee. What about fast food? Almost $1,200 per year. Continuing on, the Average American family will spend almost $2,000 per year on clothes and almost $3,000 a year on entertainment. If you were to combine all of...

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