Is Getting Healthy Expensive?

food healthy Oct 28, 2019

Is Getting Healthy Expensive?

One of the phrases I hear from time to time is “Getting healthy is expensive”. Everything in life is about perspective. You’ve heard “the grass is always greener on the other side” or that “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” Well, health is most definitely one of those things that some don’t appreciate until it’s gone. Let’s take a look at the “health is expensive” claim:

Typical Costs

When analyzing the price of health, it sometimes helps to get a little perspective from the price of other items in our everyday lives. Did you know that the average American spends over $1,000 per year on alcohol. That same American will spend double that on coffee. What about fast food? Almost $1,200 per year. Continuing on, the Average American family will spend almost $2,000 per year on clothes and almost $3,000 a year on entertainment. If you were to combine all of these and add them up for, let’s say for 15 years- you would get a grand total of over $140,000! That’s $140,000 spent on things that not only don’t make you healthier but can potentially make you more unhealthy. After spending years and even decades breaking down your body, it may take some time, energy, and a little money to help bring it back into balance.

Cost vs investment

Cost is simply when you spend money (this could be an experience, a good, a service). An investment has the probability of bringing in a return. When you spend money on frivolous things – this is considered a cost because normally you won’t see a return on your money. If you invest in your health and yourself, almost always you will see a return on your money. For most, the return on your health investment may look like more years with your kids and grandkids, more meaningful relationships with your family and friends, more focus on your life’s purpose, more energy and free time to do the things you love to do. If you are a business owner or your work depends on your performance- you could also see a monetary return on your investment. I’ve seen both of these scenarios happen countless times, and it awesome to hear the person say, “I’m so glad I made the investment in myself”


Bankruptcy is an unfortunate event that happens to over a half a million Americans each year. Did you know that the #1 cause of bankruptcy in America is due to Health Bills? What’s more- studies show that it doesn’t matter if you have health insurance or not- the bills can still be overwhelming. 

These aren’t usually health bills from your local acupuncturist or Functional Medicine practitioner, they are from out of control prices from conventional medicine (hospital bills, procedures, testing, and surgeries) which brings us to our next point:

Conventional medicine costs

Conventional medical costs are downright ridiculous in America today. Procedures that would cost hundreds of dollars overseas can sometimes costs tens of thousands here. Prescription medications that can be manufactured for pennies are sold for hundreds of dollars each month. Even worse- insurance companies are covering less and less- all while you pay higher premiums and deductibles. 


Here are some facts that may shock you:

-The Average heart attack can cost over $750,000

-The average Cancer patient can pay up to $30,000/month in chemotherapy

-The Average Diabatic will have over $14,000 of extra medical costs each year

It’s time to take control of our own health! It’s time to step out the box of “this is too expensive for me”. If you say “it’s too expensive”, you are REALLY saying “investing in my health is NOT a priority”. So the next time you have the opportunity to buy organic, to invest in a health test, to purchase a high quality supplement, to see your Functional medicine practitioner, or to take a yoga class- think about this new perspective and how Your Health is your Greatest Wealth. 


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