Become Free, Healthy and Whole

Get back to health and wholeness by addressing root cause health issues so that you can be free of chains of the medical system.

I'm ready to be fully free!

I hear this all the time from my patients and community:

  • "I'm trying to get better through diets, supplements, doctors, lab work, but I can’t breakthrough and figure out the missing pieces."
  • "I know something is off but I don't know what it is."
  • "I feel like I'm just being pushed from doctor to doctor."
  • "I don't feel like myself."
  • "I keep being told that it's 'all in my head'."
  • "I feel powerless..." 

This creates a reliance on doctors, the conventional medical system, and ultimately takes your power away.

You deserve better.

It doesn't have to be this way — you don't have to give in to the mainstream fear mongering that you must hand over your health to "the system".

You can take your health into your own hands.

The Tough Love

You can't be ungovernable & self-reliant if you're on 10 medications, don't feel well, and in and out of doctors offices.

Yup, I know, I said it. But it's true. My goal is for you and your family's health to be in your hands.

Hi, I'm Dr. Seth!

Like you, I had lost control of my health. I was once a happy, healthy kid. At my lowest point, I was taking handfuls of medications, had been to dozens of doctors with no answers, had gained 55 pounds, and barely had enough energy to get through each day. I had lost all hope of a bright future with family and friends.

I was helpless and afraid. Doctors told me that I would be sick forever. Boy, did I prove them WRONG.

After dealing with debilitating pain, vertigo and migraines, terrible brain fog, crippling anxiety and depression, and painful gut issues- I was able to FINALLY address the real issues.

I was so fortunate to have found amazing doctors who treated me as a whole person, who dug deep to find my true health concerns, and who inspired me to make instrumental changes in my life. Soon, the weight came off, my need for medications decreased, my brain started to work again, and my energy was back! I can honestly say with sooooo much gratitude that I am the healthiest I have ever been!

This helped me get off 5 medications, break my chains to the conventional medical system, and opened up my world to possibilities I had never dreamed.

Without your health what do you have? I learned this principle the hard way, but I have also experienced the true joy and elation of regaining health and vitality! You can heal! I am a true testament to that, and now I love helping others change their lives for the better!

Trust me: you can be free in your health.

And I'm here to help you along the way.


The 'Free Healthy and Whole' Experience

A 4-month virtual program helping stuck mamas get back to health and wholeness by addressing root cause health issues so that they can be free of chains of the medical system.

I'm ready to be fully free!

Take Back Your Health

Build A Sustainable Foundation Of Health

Finally address root cause health issues like toxicities, infections and inflammation, drainage and immune function.

Connect With A Freedom-Loving Community

Connect with people who are on the same path regaining their health and their freedoms.

Become Fully Free & Less Reliant On The "System"

Total Freedom starts with control of your health and mind. Once you have these, you can do anything!


Before I saw Dr. Seth I was feeling hopeless because nobody was able to help me feel better and I was hesitant to spend the money to see a doctor outside of my insurance but the investment in my health has been 100% worth it.

This is perfect for you if:

  • You're a freedom-loving, awake & aware, warrior!
  • You desire to reach your true potential in life, family, and health!
  • You know the importance of health when it comes to quality of life & our purpose!
  • You want to be less reliant on the government & the conventional medical system!
  • You are self-sufficient & prepared in all the "other ways", but when it comes to health, you feel chained to the system!
  • You don't buy the B.S. that MSM is trying to sell that we "need the government to make us feel better"!

Here, you’re not crazy.

(For what you believe or know about the world and also for your health obstacles.)

This program is different.

We ask better question so we can get better answers.

(We ask questions that other doctors don't)


We address what's REALLY going on.

(Instead of covering things up with an expensive band aid)


We "get it".

(Yeah, you know what we're talking about šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ˜‰)

The Program Includes:

  • Weekly Q+A Group Zoom calls

  • 15% discount on supplements

  • Chat support from our team

  • Videos + easy-to-implement health plans

  • Extra resources for health success


After only 2 weeks of the eating plan and supplements, I feel like ME again. What an amazing change in such a short amount of time. I no longer have brain fog, sluggishness or fatigue. My mind is sharp with quick recall, I remember details once again and I lost 6 pounds. Yeah! Thank you, Dr. Gerlach.

It's more important now than ever with the uncertainty of the future to make your health a priority...

...before something happens and conventional intervention is required instead of optional.

I always say it's better to be prepared than reactionary.

Imagine if...

  • You woke up everyday feeling great.

  •  You had the energy to build the life you’ve been waiting to build.

  •  You could show up to be the best spouse/ friend/ parent possible.

  •  You had hope again for a bright future.

  •  You were own best doctor, not reliant on the system.


I have been to so many docs I have lost count. I have been miss diagnosed 12x. I was handed medicine after medicine with no explanations. I suffered from dizziness, lack of balance, foggy brain, tingling and numbness in my hands and feet with no answers after doing blood work, cat scans and MRI’s. Now I feel fantastic and now can be present and functional for my 7 year old son.  And I’ve lost 15 pounds! Thank you for helping me see that there are answers out there.

Join The 'Free Healthy, and Whole' Experience Today!

The first 30 people to join the program get locked in at the special launch price of $197/month and then the it goes up to the regular price of $297/mo.


  • Weekly Q+A Group Zoom calls
  • 15% discount on supplements
  • Chat support from our team
  • Videos + easy-to-implement health plans
  • Extra resources for health success
  • Locked in at this special launch price for the first 30 people
I'm ready!

Got questions? We have answers!

Have more questions?

Email us at [email protected] or send Dr. Seth a DM here.


For years I suffered with very itchy burning skin lesions, nausea, mouth sores, face sores, gut problems and other symptoms. While trying to find answers to my health issues I was passed around from doctor to doctor for each ailment and given prescriptions to cover up all the symptomsI am feeling so much better! If you are looking to regain your health I highly recommend Dr. Seth!

Want the VIP Program?

If you are looking for 1 on 1 support or maybe you have more complex health obstacles, the VIP program is. agood option for you. Here's what's included:

  • In-depth labs
  • Detailed case workup and targeted gameplan by Dr. Seth
  • Consistent check-ins by Dr. Seth and health coach
  • Access to all Free-Healthy-Whole program materials
  • 20% discount on supplements
Book A 15-Minute Application Call Here

Become Free, Healthy and Whole

Helping stuck mamas get back to health and wholeness by addressing root cause health issues so that they can be free of chains of the medical system.

I'm ready to be fully free!