Leaky Gut- Have you heard of it? What the heck does it mean? And is it really a thing?

Uncategorized Nov 04, 2019

Although previously dismissed by conventional medicine- Leaky Gut or Intestinal permeability is now being recognized by the most prestigious journals and institutions. 





The center for most functions in your body can be found in your gut. Your metabolic rate, your immune cells (up to 80% of them), your neurotransmitter factory, inflammatory regulation, and digestion are just a few of the countless jobs of the gut. 

In reality- your gut is really just 1 long tube from your mouth to your…other end. This means that whatever is inside your gut could be considered exterior! Mind blown!!!! 

Your gut has many jobs – and one job is to take in foods, break them down and assimilate them, all while making sure nothing comes into the body that shouldn’t. Sounds easy, right? Well maybe, but sometimes the gut can have a hard time doing this, especially when it becomes damaged or porous. 


You see, the gut is a delicate organ. There is only a single cell layer that protects your body from the outside world! Contrast that with the skin- that has many cell layers to protect us. The cells also have tight junctions, which regulate how and what comes through the gut and into the body. The delicate epithelial cells in the gut can be damaged by things like:

- Gluten - Research https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3384703/ from world-renowned scientist Alessio Fassao shows that gluten can trigger tight junctions to open in those even without celiac disease. In fact, gluten is believed to be on of the most problematic foods for the gut due to its inherent inability to break down, the way it has been hybridized and sprayed with pesticides, and the overabundance in our diets. 

- Toxins like Mercury, Lead can not only damage the brain, mitochondria, and other organs- the gut can be directly damaged from being exposed. Even toxins like fluoride in drinking water can alter gut bacteria and lead to leaky gut. 

- Stress - The effect of cortisol and its detrimental affects has been studied for decades. Stress hormones can decrease the body’s ability to break down food- which can lead to overgrowth of bad bacteria and infections in the gut. Not only that, stress can damage the gut lining and drain your immune system- leading you more prone to illnesses. 

- Medications - Certain medications are not only harmful for the liver and kidneys, but also for the gut! Of course- antibiotics top the list of medications that can cause leaky gut. Antibiotics are non-descript as they obliterate good and bad bacteria in the gut- leading to dysbiosis, or bacterial imbalance. Interestingly, a brand new study out of Barcelona stated that “half of all commonly used drugs profoundly affect the gut microbiome” https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-10/sh-hoa101519.php . These medications can include PPIs (for heartburn), laxatives for constipation, antidepressants, and even metformin for diabetes.

- Infections - Gut infections are extremely common in America today. Most people believe that in order to have a parasite you must live in a third world country--- this couldn’t be further from the truth! Almost ALL of the people I have checked via SIBO breath testing and stool testing have shown some kind of GI infection. Common infections are H Pylori, Parasites and Worms, Candida, SIBO, E Coli, Salmonella, and other bacterial overgrowths. All of these have the potential to not only cause widespread inflammation but can directly harm the gut, leading to leaky gut. 



Did you know that having a gut problem may not lead to gut symptoms? IN fact- most of the time, symptoms from a problem manifest everywhere other than the gut! For instance, leaky gut symptoms can include:

Mood swings, irritability, sleep problems, anxiety, depression, and brain fog. All of this can be due to Blood-brain barrier permeability- which has been associated with Gut permeability. Leaky gut= leaky brain!

Food sensitivities - Have you ever had odd symptoms after eating food? Maybe a headache? A skin rash? Runny nose or stuffiness? Joint pains? Stomach pains or diarrhea? Bloating? Swelling? Eczema?

Inflammation - Inflammation can show up in many different areas of the body. The most noticeable inflammatory conditions are arthritis (all forms) and joint pains (knees, spine, hands, wrists, feet)

Skin flares - Acne, rosacea, and eczema are the most common gut-skin disorders; meaning that the skin is merely a reflection of what is happening inside the gut. 


How to Fix

In order for the gut to heal, You must remove the things that are damaging it, simple enough, right?

- First and Foremost- Foods that are causing damage and inflammation MUST be eliminated. There are differing opinions on which foods and how long to avoid- that’s why I came up with The Right Diet MethodCLICK HERE for information on the Right Diet Method. The right Diet method walks you through the elimination and reintroduction of foods to finally find the right ones for you!

-Clear Infections- If there are any GI infections, such as candida, h pylori, parasites or worms, SIBO, or other bacterial overgrowths- they MUST be eliminated so your gut can properly heal. 

- Lower Inflammation - Most of the inflammation is driven by the immune system, and the large majority of the immune system (up to 80%) is located in the gut. Therefore, most of the inflammation in the body can stem from the gut! Lowering inflammation with nutrients like Glutamine, Aloe, Deglycyrrhizinated licorice can quickly lower inflammation.

- Aid in Digestion - You aren’t the foods you eat! You are the foods you eat, digest, absorb and assimilate. Wow, that’s a lot of steps and a lot of places to go off the rails. If you can’t digest your food, then you cannot heal and repair- plain and simple. Aiding the stomach in producing HCL can help break down food, along with the gallbladder and pancreas. 

- Heal and Seal - In order to reverse leaky gut, you have to “heal and seal” the gut. This means bringing the damaged epithelial cells together and closing the tight junctions in order to create a solid barrier again. When your gut is sealed, then inflammation is under control and symptoms start to disappear. Colostrum powder is one of the best nutrients to heal and seal the gut. NOTE - Do NOT take colostrum powder if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. 

As you can see, leaky gut can affect every part of the body. Leaky gut is commonly not diagnosed by conventional medicine practitioners- so if you are suffering with these symptoms with no answer- you should get in touch with a great Functional Medicine practitioner.  

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