Functional Medicine - Getting To The Root Cause with Dr. Seth Gerlach Podcast

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2019

Episode #7: Functional Medicine – Getting To The Root Cause with Dr. Seth Gerlach

Treating symptoms without addressing the root cause just won’t cut it. If you want to resolve your longest standing health issues, and improve your bone health, you’ll need to get to the bottom of them. Enter functional medicine. (Recording below)

Functional medicine focuses on addressing imbalances in the body by identifying the root cause and treating the person with a whole body, systems-based approach.

In functional medicine, hormones, gut health, nutrient deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, diet, lifestyle, environment and other factors are all taken into consideration when developing an approach to improve your health, all while incorporating modern diagnostic testing.

The reason I wanted this to be one of the first interviews on the Bone Coach podcast is because I’ve seen firsthand how this approach to medicine has helped many people, myself included, restore their health.

If you’re looking to resolve longstanding health issues, including those you suspect are contributing to poor bone health, you’ll want to listen in to this episode.

My hope for you is that after listening in with Dr. Seth Gerlach, you’ll better understand how functional medicine can serve as a valuable addition to your health efforts, and help support you along the way in your own health journey.

With that said, let’s get to the interview…

Episode timeline:

3:20 Who is Dr. Seth Gerlach?

5:20 The difference between conventional medicine and functional medicine. Functional medicine is the medicine of WHY.

8:47 What are the most common signs and symptoms that may indicate functional medicine could be helpful.

11:30 The functional approach to understanding the patient and getting to the root cause

12:05 Our stress response. “Fight or Flight” vs “Rest and Digest”

13:50 Functional testing and how it can help you identify contributing factors

15:20 Stool testing and poop. A window into your health.

19:05 You get your stool test results back. Here’s what an approach to helping you improve your gut health might look like.

22:40 Summary of general plan to help restore gut health

24:10 Hormones and our health

27:20 Hormone testing. The best test for evaluating hormone health.

30:20 Detoxification. What it is and why it’s important for our overall health. Tips for reducing the toxic load on your body.

34:00 Why the quality of your water matters and small steps to take to improve.

35:00 Natural every day things you can do to support your detox pathways.

38:20 Should you consider functional medicine as a complement to your healthcare approach

Resources Mentioned:

Show notes, resources mentioned, contact info for Dr. Gerlach at

Dr. Gerlach’s Functional Medicine Website:

Dr. Gerlach’s Functional Medicine Website:

Follow Dr. Gerlach on Instagram:

Follow Dr. Gerlach on Facebook:

At home stool testing kits for identifying underlying digestive issues:

—-> GI-MAP Stool Test by Diagnostic Solutions

—-> Comprehensive GI Effects Stool Test by Genova

Hormone testing mentioned during the episode

—-> DUTCH Hormone Test

Filter for removing toxins, chemicals, fluoride and other harmful compounds from your water:

—-> Solid carbon block water w/ fluoride filter by Berkey


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Intro & Outro Transcript Below:


Dr Seth Gerlach DC, DABCI is a board- certified Chiropractic Internist.

He has trained extensively in Functional Medicine, including through the Kalish Institute of Functional Medicine, among many others.

Because of his sickness in his earlier years, his focus is helping people regain their health through balancing hormones, fixing the gut, and detoxifying the body.

Hey everyone, thanks for tuning in for this episode of the Bone Coach Podcast. In this episode, I’ll be interviewing one of the leading functional medicine practitioners in the Midwest (that’s Midwestern U.S. for our international listeners).

If you’re not familiar with it…

Functional medicine focuses on addressing imbalances in the body by identifying the root cause and treating the person with a whole body, systems-based approach.

In functional medicine, hormones, gut health, nutrient deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, diet, lifestyle, environment and other factors are all taken into consideration when developing an approach to improve your health, all while incorporating modern diagnostic testing.

And the reason I wanted this to be one of the first interviews on the Bone Coach podcast is because I’ve seen firsthand how this approach to medicine has helped many people, myself included, restore their health.

You may not be familiar with this functional approach to medicine. Many people aren’t.

It wasn’t until a few years ago, that I really understood how valuable it can be.

You may be more familiar with the conventional side of healthcare.

Go to the doctor. Describe your symptoms in an 8-15 minute window. Wait for your next medical intervention whether that be pharmaceutical treatment, medication, or surgery.

I’ve talked about this before how for the majority of my life, this was the approach I thought would always lead to the outcome we all desire–better health.

And that’s not always the case.

Conventional medicine certainly has its place, especially when we’re talking about things like acute care, trauma care, urgent care, surgery, and even other areas. 

But many would agree that in order to successfully prevent and treat long-term chronic diseases, including osteoporosis, you need a multi-pronged approach, with different perspectives, that get to the bottom of ALL of your root cause issues.

My hope for you is that after listening to this episode with Dr. Seth Gerlach you’ll better understand how functional medicine can serve as a complement to your health efforts, and help support you along the way in your own health journey.

With that said, let’s get to the interview…

I hope this episode gave you a better understanding of functional medicine and how it can support you along the way. 

Like I’ve said before, if you haven’t done so already, I’d encourage you to make a committment to yourself to be your own health advocate, and even “quarterback” your own health.

As the “quarterback” of your health, you should look to build a team of people who have the knowledge, expertise, and training needed to help you.

Treating symptoms without addressing the root cause just won’t cut it. If you want to resolve your longest standing health issues, you’ll need to get to the bottom of them. Functional medicine could be that missing piece.

You can find all of the notes, resources, functional testing, and where you can find Dr. Seth Gerlach over at 

If you haven’t already done so, now would be a great time to hit that “subscribe” button on the Bone Coach podcast so you never miss an episode that could help to improve your bone health.

We’ve got a lot of exciting information on the horizon and some amazing guests that I can’t wait to share.

Thanks again for listening…I’m your Bone Coach, Kevin Ellis. See you in the next episode.


About Kevin Ellis

Bone Coach

After being diagnosed with osteoporosis in his early 30’s, Kevin transformed his health through diet and lifestyle and now helps his Bone Coach clients and community members do the same. If you’re struggling with persistent gut issues and low bone density, book your free 15-minute consult at

The Bone Coach Bone Health & Osteoporosis Podcast: Credits

Music from “Werq” by Kevin MacLeod CC BY (

The Bone Coach Bone Health & Osteoporosis Podcast: Disclaimer

Medical Disclaimer: This podcast, show, post, and information contained within are for informational purposes only and does not provide health care, medical or nutrition therapy services; it does not diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body; it is not to be used as a replacement or substitute for medical advice provided by physicians and trained medical professionals. If you are under the care of a healthcare professional or are currently using prescription medications, you should discuss any dietary changes or potential dietary supplements use with your doctor, and should not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting your doctor.  

Affiliate Disclosure: I take very seriously the products and services I recommend to my community members and clients. The only products and services I ever recommend are those that have incredibly high quality standards and efficacy and/or they are products I have personally used myself or am currently using in present day. In some cases, I’ll believe in the quality of a product so much, that I will sign up to be an affiliate with the company of that product. In those cases, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you, if you purchase through the link I have shared. This helps support the time, effort, and free content I produce and share with our community. I value your trust and support, so please know that I’d never recommend a product, service, or brand, I don’t think could benefit our community and our bones. Thanks again for your support!


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